
Vita gäss

Cigarette secrets

Ett bloss för Bodil Malmsten

White smoke and pines

Levi's blue eyes


Du sålde min biljett

Black raven

Vita gäss

1. Vita gäss
 Himlen inne i stan
3. Somna till fjälls
4. Inlandsvägen norrut
5. Strandkanten 

6. I United States of America
7. Alla ord
8. Spindelnät
9. Jag cyklade hem
10. Våren kom

Vita gäss

Framför mina ögon

En sjö med vågor

Det går vita gäss

Uppe på vägen

Ner över hygget 

Jag minns inte hur det såg ut med höga träd

Vad lätt det är att ändra 

Svårt att få tillbaka

Man får tänka sig för 

Jag hinner nog ett varv till

I mina fotspår 

En gång till

Ingenting har ändrats 

Men allt har förändrats 

Tiden flyter förbi

Jag skrattar och jag gråter

Förut kommer aldrig åter

Det går vita gäss

Jag går samma runda 

Nästan varje dag

Samma sak men alltid något nytt

Jag sätter mig på mossan 

Jag lägger mig ner

Det här är det som är tryggt 

Jag tittar på fotot

Med den dånande forsen 

Jag hör den fast det bara är en bild

Virvlande vatten 

Det virvlar i mig 

Det går vita gäss

Ingenting har ändrats 

Men allt har förändrats 

Tiden flyter förbi

Jag skrattar och jag gråter

Förut kommer aldrig åter

Det går vita gäss

Himlen inne i stan

Undrar du inte hur det hade kunnat vara 

Om du bara gick vidare

Kärlek har inte gjort dig gott 

Vänta inte mer

Vad hände när du sa hejdå

Varför säger du inte hejdå

Det flimrar i vattnet, månen är röd

Jag frågar om du ser samma sak som jag 

Du säger att du gör det och tittar upp

Här ute är himlen större

Större än vadå

Himlen inne i stan

Om jag bara väntar, tänker du

Väntar nog länge så blir det min tur

Men åren har ju gått och dom fortsätter gå

Det finns andra, det finns andra

Eller finns det bara en för dig

Finns det bara en

Det var nån som sa

Kärlek är lättare gjort än sagt

Och när den gjort sitt 

Finns det inget annat

Molnen seglar förbi

Och drömmen om ett annat liv

Om du vill så kör jag dig hem 

Såg du fågeln som flög över vägen

Jag kör samma väg igen 

Jag kör samma väg igen 


Somna till fjälls

Bäckar och stigar och dvärgbjörk

Jag går där du har gått

I spåren av inlandsisen 

Jag står där du har stått

Det bästa jag vet 

Är att somna till fjälls 

Vi lägger oss på marken 

Vi somnar till fjälls

Innan jag somnar 

Tänker jag på Hemma på vidda

Precis innan jag somnar 

Tänker jag på dig

Det bästa jag vet 

Är att somna till fjälls 

Vi lägger oss på marken 

Vi somnar till fjälls

Innan jag somnar 

Innan jag somnar

Innan jag somnar 

Tänker jag på dig 

Bäckar och stigar och dvärgbjörk

Jag går där du har gått

I spåren av inlandsisen 

Jag står där du har stått

I spåren av inlandsisen somnar jag 

Inlandsvägen norrut

Inlandsvägen norrut, innan solen har gått upp

Jag har många timmar kvar, en 80 mils rutt

Jag möter några andra men det är nästan bara jag 

Luften är klar, det blir en fin dag

Strömsund, Hoting, Kläppen, jag gillar allt jag ser 

Vägen är en film och jag vill se mer

Jag har många timmar på mig att låta tankarna löpa fritt 

Träden blir färre, allt blir vitt

Inlandsvägen vart går färden 

Inlandsvägen norrut

Stenträsk, Jokkmokk, Porjus, filmen rullar på 

Jag älskar dig för att du alltid låter mig gå

Ljuset har passerat, månen åker bredvid 

Stjärnorna blir fler, kvällen tar vid 

Inlandsvägen norrut, väg 45

Jag har åkt här förut, jag kommer upp igen 

Inlandsvägen under himlen och träden 

Inlandsvägen norrut

Jag följer med Mari till stugan vid sjön

Fjällbjörkar och tallskog vid den stora sjön

Det är som hemma men mer av allt

Jag går ett varv runt stugan, det är kväll, det är kallt

Inlandsvägen norrut, vad är det med den

En väg av längtan som drar i en 

En linje av asfalt, en linje av liv

Skär igenom allt, mitt bästa tidsfördriv

Inlandsvägen, vart går färden 

Inlandsvägen norrut

Inlandsvägen under himlen och träden 

Inlandsvägen norrut


Jag hör hur slutaren klickar

Ett ögonblick har frusit fast

Jag rörde mig en aning

En suddig bild, ett ögonkast

Det rörde sig för fort 

Snabb, flygande, fri och vild

Du skulle varit här 

Jag skulle inte sagt allt det där 

Tidig morgon 

Jag kan inte somna om 

Jag går den där vägen ner till strandkanten 

Du följer inte efter 

För du är inte hemma 

Varför blev det såhär igen 

Den ena framför den andra

Fötterna bara går och går 

I min fantasi 

Snabb, flygande, vild och fri

Det flög förbi igen 

Jag säger det för jag vet inte vad det var

Jag vet inte vad det var

Det är sent på kvällen

Jag kan inte sova

Jag går den där vägen ner till strandkanten

Du följer inte efter 

Du sover redan 

Varför blev det såhär igen 

Låser in tanken 

I strandkanten 

Precis under ytan 

Tänk inte tanken 

Vid strandkanten 

Tänk inte tanken 

Den flyger förbi 

Varför blev det så här igen 

I United States of America

Jag kommer ihåg det som att det var igår

Jag fick en gitarr och skrev min första låt

Bob Dylan var min hjälte och gitarren min vän 

Jag drömde rock’n’roll drömmen 

Jag släppte en skiva, jag åkte på turné

Jag älskade allt jag fick göra och se

Jag tror att mycket bara händer, slumpen och så

Ta vara på tiden som du får

Jag ville vara på vägarna varje dag

I United States of America

Solen går upp och solen går ner 

Över allt jag hör och allt jag ser

Fler skivor blev det och jag for hit och dit 

Spelade och levde mitt bästa liv

Alla människor jag träffat, alla vänner jag fått

Kommer jag aldrig glömma bort

Jag for till Amerika flera gånger 

Minnena finns i mina sånger 

Singing river sjung nåt fint för mig

Orden räcker aldrig till

Jag ville vara på vägarna varje dag

I United States of America

Solen går upp och solen går ner

Över allt jag hör och allt jag ser

Vägen var mitt liv, milen är min canvas

Jag målar sångerna medan jag andas 

Som en segelduk, på öppet hav 

Minnena finns alltid kvar

Jag ville vara på vägarna varje dag

I United States of America

Solen går upp och solen går ner

Över allt jag hör och allt jag ser

Alla ord

Jag tappar ord, jag tappar bort 

Det finns så många men bara ett är rätt

Jag tänker för mycket, jag måste sluta 

Jag tror att hjärnan kan explodera

Vad mycket jag visste, vad lite jag vet

Då kändes framtiden som en evighet

Ålder är siffror men inte bara

Jag känner mig yngre nu än då

Alla ord jag saknar från jag somnar till jag vaknar

Och på dagarna såklart

Snälla orden kom tillbaks

Jag tappar takten, orden har makten 

Drömmar kommer och drömmar glöms bort

Jag tänker på allt jag har varit med om 

Allt det som gör mig till den jag är

Luften jag andas, orden som blandas

Blickar som möts, låtar som föds

Jag tänker på allt som jag har lärt mig

Hur får allting plats i minnet

Alla ord jag saknar från jag somnar till jag vaknar

Och på dagarna såklart

Snälla orden kom tillbaks

Jag tappar takten, orden har makten

Drömmar kommer och drömmar glöms bort

Luften, vinden, rymden, himlen 

Skogen, fjällen, vad fint det är


Jag sitter i bilen, allt utanför flimrar förbi

Hus, gårdar, träd och vatten om och om igen

Hur vet man vad man tycker, hur vet man vem man är

Inuti, längst därinne, där ingen annan är

Hur vet man att ens tankar inte är någon annans

Hur vet man att man vet, vart ska man stanna

Jag stannade vid skylten som sa att jag var i Gråtbäck

Vem har gråtit här, ska jag gråta här, låta tårarna rinna

Hur många tårar har runnit här och vart tar dom vägen

Slingrar sig genom skogen, tillslut ut i havet

Är havet egentligen bara en massa tårar

Jag vet ingenting, jag känner mig blind

Jag blir bländad av solen 

Min hjärna känns som ett spindelnät

Det finns saker där men jag får inte loss dom

I bäcken rinner tårarna, ska jag följa med dom ut i havet

Jag vet väl vad man ska tycka om det mesta 

Men det mesta är ju inte svart eller vitt

Hur orolig ska man vara för framtiden

Livet är kort och oro är dumt

Jag vill följa tårarna ut i havet 

Ligga där och titta på himlen 

Jag vill vara spindeln i ett spindelnät

Sitta där och titta på allt det fina 

Världen har väl alltid varit orolig men 

Nu känns det som att allt går åt helvete

Världen har väl alltid varit orolig men

Nu känns det som att allt går åt helvete

Jag cyklade hem 

Jag cyklade hem under midnattssolen

Tack för att jag fick låna

Däcken mot asfalten 

Solen i ögat 

Det är så vackert att leva

Jag cyklade hem från festivalen 

Midnattssolen i ögonen 

Hejade på folk som jag cyklade förbi 

Det kändes som att natten inte fanns

Vi spelade musik, jag log hela tiden 

Tiden kunde gärna fått stanna

Vi kollade på videos 

Skrattade tills vi grät 

Jag ville aldrig sova

Jag var bara glad, vinden i håret 

Jag ville aldrig sova

Våren kom

Våren kom med sol och sång, det är så fint 

Våren vet inte att världen är mörk

I vårnatten blir jag stum, jag tittar upp, står där en stund 

Jag tittar på samma stjärnor som alla andra

Under natthimlen 

Under natthimlen 

Ibland känns det som att jag lever mitt liv vid sidan av 

Långt bort från händelsernas centrum

Men jag iakttar, jag följer med, i samma värld men lite bredvid

I vårnatten andas jag ut

Under natthimlen 

Under natthimlen

Dagen är varm, fåglarna sjunger

Dom vet inte att världen är mörk

Det blåser lite, träden vajar, solen skiner medan världen svajar 

Snart är natthimlen mitt tak

Under natthimlen 

Under natthimlen

Ett bloss för Bodil Malmsten

1. Döden 1986
2. Arv från ett fosterhem
3. Till Gerard - Vaggvisa fjortonde december 1987
4. Ett bloss för moster Lillie
5. Långsamma reprisen
6. Lindansösen
7. Glenn Gould
8. Loppbalettens klagovisa (till poeten på Wivalliusgatan)
9. Det blev alltså sommar
10. Ett hav går men kommer tillbaka
11. Det här är hjärtat

Levi's blue eyes

1. Total darkness
2. Can't stop looking
3. Street lights
4. Take it back
5. Undress me
6. When you come home
7. Hold on
8. Levi's blue eyes
9. Affection
10. Trade myself
11. Turn the radio down

Total Darkness 

I feel like a burden, living of others 

Making money could be easy 

But I choose something else

The sky is always confident 

I want to be the sky

In total darkness we watched the stars 

As the flashlights moved with us

In the movement I felt the wind

In the darkness I feel the wind

Sometimes I feel a little better 

I praise what I do

I don’t want anything else

Time is always moving 

I want to be time

In total darkness we watched the stars 

As the flashlights moved with us 

In the movement I felt the wind

In the darkness I feel the wind

I also feel good 

Really good about myself

When we rushed of

With flashlights in total darkness

In total darkness we watched the stars 

As the flashlights moved with us

In the movement I felt the wind

In the darkness I feel the wind

Can’t Stop Looking 

The sun was on the horizon

The clouds split the sun in two

The sun was reflected in the lake

Two lines of light on a lake of blue

I can’t stop looking

I think I’m going blind

And I can’t stop looking

I won’t go on about time

I think I’m going blind

I thought the sun was doubled 

Like there were two of the same kind

And I was just standing there 

Losing my sense of time 

I can’t stop looking 

I think I’m going blind

And I can’t stop looking 

I can’t keep going on about time

I think I’m going blind

I know you will be walking down to the water


I can’t stop looking 

I think I’m going blind

And I can’t stop looking 

I can’t keep going on about time

I think I’m going blind

Street Lights

The street lights cast shadows over your face

And over me

Why don’t you try to cast it back

The shadows make you look different

While I’m the same 

Lean towards me

Under the street lights with you baby

Like we are just beneath the sun

Under the street lights you saved me

And when the sun comes up we’re on the run

I did not used to be so sensitive 

Oh no

I used to be careless and free

When will the street lights go out 

When will the sun come up

Under the street lights with you baby

Like we are just beneath the sun

Under the street lights you saved me

And when the sun comes up we’re on the run

You’re as quiet as the trees when the wind doesn’t blow

The sound is all made up 

It’s so easy for me to imagine sounds

Are you gonna stay here

Under the street lights with you baby

Like we are just beneath the sun

Under the street lights you saved me

And when the sun comes up we’re on the run

I want to be the melody in your favorite song

I want you to sing it for me

There is no bigger meaning

I’m just gonna let it be

Under the street lights with you baby

Like we are just below the sun

Under the street lights you saved me

And when the real sun comes up we’re on the run

Take It Back

The view is bright, I shield my eyes

I’ve been stuck here for some time

I want to get up and walk around

I’ve never had it like this before

I don’t want this anymore

But of course you never choose what you gonna get

When I’ve changed it all and shifted track

Will I be able to take it back

If I leave you now and change my path

Will I be able to take you back

Nothing is forever, I know that

Nothing is eternal, just like

The love you have for me and I for you

I feel like I’ve grown but I don’t feel old

I’m too young for this if truth be told

But still I don’t want to be anywhere else

When I’ve changed it all and shifted track 

Will I be able to take it back

If I leave you now and change my path 

Will I be able to take you back

My walk will never be the same

Without movement I’ll go insane

I’ll pretend that I’m seventeen again

Seventeen and moving free

What happens remains to be seen 

All we know is what we know

When I’ve changed it all and shifted track

Will I be able to take it back

If I leave you now and change my path 

Will I be able to take you back

When I’ve changed it all and shifted track 

Will I be able to take it back

If I leave you now and changed my path 

Will I be able to take you back

When I’ve changed it all and shifted track

Will it come back

If I leave you now and change my path

Can I take you back

Undress Me

New moon, full moon, a month passed
but it felt like two days

How are we supposed to seize the
day when time is running away

How cool would it be to be constant
like the moon and the sun

I feel like I can’t see clear, locked in dark room

Undress me

Undress me

Show me that I’m real 

Hold and respect me

Undress me

I’m not naive

Take the sun in your hands 

And don’t regret what you’ve done

I feel more confused than I ever have felt before

We tell each other what’s wrong
and right to fight for

And I’m just sitting here trying to get things done

Staring at a blank page, blinded by the sun

Undress me

Undress me

Show me that I’m real 

Hold and respect me

Undress me

I’m not naive 

Take the moon in your hands

And don’t regret what you’ve done 

New moon full moon we’re fire and ash

When You Come Home

I shed a tear when you left the room 

You got dressed and you said, talk to you soon

You walked out the door and just like
that you were gone

I closed my eyes and ignored the dawn 

Even with the blind down, light comes in

Lightens up the room I’m sleeping in 

What’s the matter with me,
I don’t know what this is

Enlighten me, enlighten me 

When you come home 

When you come home

When you come home

The frozen rain had fallen again

The sun peaked out, felt like it was my friend

Happiness came and happiness went 

A bout of BPD struck again

I’m waiting

I’m waiting 

I’m waiting


You said, I hope your car doesn’t start because

When I get home I want you to be there

But I can’t wait forever for something unclear

Only if you tell me what I need to hear

When you come home 

When you come home 

When you come home 

Hold On

I sat down by the fire

Close enough to feel it but too far away
to get burned 

You showed me how to make a proper
whisper in someone’s ear

I wanted more but I knew I had to hold on

I got to hold on 

The food tasted like nothing no more

The sun is shaded, day 34

Why would you hide your longing 

Why would say something you don’t mean 

Every time I pass the Fox Hill sign I know I got to go

I got to hold on

I don’t want to make small talk with you

I don’t want to waste my time doing things I don’t want to do

Every time I make that turn and when I see the Fox Hill sign

My longing swims to the surface of my shallow mind

I got to hold on

It’s so hard for me to hold on

To take one step at a time

I try to keep you and keep you
close in my never resting mind 

Later that night by the fire, I felt like taking a walk  

Intoxicated by the smell of burning
wood in the dark

Why is it so hard for me to hold on

Why is it so hard for me to do

Why is it so hard for me to hold on

Why is it so hard for me to hold on

Levi’s Blue Eyes

Front seat queen, ruling the tour bus

Felt like I always had known her

The queen of glitter dust

In the middle of nowhere, long dark hair

On highway 87

Like a big TV screen

She said I got Levi’s blue eyes

Jeans blue eyes

Levi’s blue eyes

She said I got Levi’s blue eyes

Highway 87, how many highways can we go

The big windscreen wiper, wiping away the snow

Blinding white snow, and dark hair entwined 

She spoke to me in English, I read between the lines

Levi’s blue eyes

Deep blue eyes

Levi’s blue eyes

She said I got Levi’s blue eyes

Does your name mean something in Persian

It feels like it does

It could mean a big black raven

Or the queen of glitter and dust

How many highways can we go

Sleeping in the front seat

I don’t think it will stop

Black raven next to me


When I feel unloved, I push the feeling away

When I feel unseen, I don’t want to stay

I sure know, that things don’t come easy even if you try really hard

I know I’m overreacting 

I’m on the fence

What do you want me to do

Give me some affection

Give me some affection 

I need something real

Give me something I can feel

Give me some affection

When I feel unsure I look secure, can you see through that

A sentimental sigh, when you cross my mind 

I think you know me now

I was strumming the guitar, you said play on

It was so long ago

When you stand behind me

When you say you want me

When I let you in 

Give me some affection

Give me some affection

I need something real

Give me something I can feel

Give me some affection

When my time is all about you

I surprise myself 

When did I lose it, where did it go

When will it be more like before

Is this love, love is this 

Hand in hand

I want you to look at me 

Like I’m the only one you see

Give me some affection 

Give me some affection

I need something real

Give me something I can feel 

Give me some affection

Trade Myself

Where my sanity ends, my heart takes over

I see nothing but blinking lights 

I don’t believe that Jesus is my savior 

I don’t believe that you fancy me 

When the night comes, I want to hold you

When the truth comes I want to stop

I am tired of, tired of waiting 

Without having anything to go on

If I could I would trade myself to the morning 

I would trade myself to the sea

I would like you to watch the sun rise

I would like you to conquer me

I never said that I was special

I don’t expect you to think that of me

When I am lonely, when I am worried

I want you to call me again

Big big sound waves on the screen 

Hostile waves waving you away

I’m on a rowing boat about to tip over

I’m on the path to something else

If I could I would trade myself to the morning 

I would trade myself to the sea

I would like you to watch the sun rise

I would like you to conquer me

When October fell over to November

It felt like my life was such a waste

I felt the night come and I got wasted 

I wasted so many hours in belief

In belief that you would call me, that you would come

And tell me that this is going to be fine 

So many times I wished that you could see me

So many times I dreamed of you

If I could I would trade myself to the morning 

I would trade myself to the sea

I would like you to watch the sun rise

I would like you to conquer me

Turn The Radio Down


I keep my fingers crossed

I don’t now what for

I laughed at you 

You’re actually really funny

My dad is tearing the walls in the house down

I can’t hear the radio so I turn it off         

I’m terrible with money

They really slip through my fingers

But the less money I have, the happier I feel 

I turned the radio up because it was kind of hard to hear

But I didn’t like what I heard so I turned it back down 

It’s nice to get home after a long tour

But after two days at home I wanna hit the road again

It’s not that I’m restless

I just like to be on the move 

I’m trying to think so please turn the radio down 

I told you once, that I almost never cry

It was true when I told you 

But it’s not true anymore

I don’t like that you had to see me like that 

You turned the radio up and I turned it down  

I walked around up in the woods

Home in Bjärme 

Spruces, but there are some pines too

I figured that some day I’ll move up there

I figured that some day I will love you 

The radio is really loud 

Can you turn it down

The radio is really loud 

Can you turn it down

I couldn’t hear what you said

So I turned the radio down 

Du sålde min biljett

1. När tåget lämnar perrongen
2. De fördömdas ö
3. Brustna drömmars boulevard
4. Man vänjer sig
5. Du sålde min biljett
6. Pandoras ask
7. Genesarets sjö
8. Stormen före lugnet
9. Häxprocess

Cigarette secrets

1. Favorite town
2. Radio shadow
3. In the meantime
4. Cigarette secrets
5. The lament 2
Blame it on the dreamer
7. Lay down
8. I'll be your harbor
9. Faltering feet
10. The lament

Favorite Town

Jag var nästan framme när det inte längre gick

Allt jag ville ha men inte fick

När hjärtat och hjärnan inte vill samma sak

När fötterna vill framåt men resten vill tillbaks

Hur kan något som är så lätt, kännas så svårt

Det bästa är nog ändå att sätta hårt mot hårt

Jag ljuger för mig själv och tror att det är sant

I’m leaving tonight for my favorite town

Favorite town

Favorite town

Ten million miles to my favorite town

Distance has always been a good friend of mine

But sometimes everything just feels so far away

When my head and the heart don’t want to go the same way

Anything worth having is worth waiting for

But I can’t sit around waiting for it to knock on my door

I sang along to the tune of the wind chime

I’m leaving tonight for my favorite town

Favorite town

Favorite town

Tävla om allt och armbåga sig fram

Varför kan vi inte bara kommunicera med varann

Ljug inte för dig själv och få för dig att det är sant

I’m leaving tonight for my favorite town 

Head, heart and both feet on the ground

Head, heart and both feet on the ground

With my head, my heart and both feet on the ground

We’re leaving tonight for our favorite town

Favorite town 

Favorite town

We’re leaving tonight for my favorite, favorite town

Favorite town 

Favorite town

Radio Shadow

I go where the wind blows

I follow you

It took me by surprise

How fast time flew

Before you knew anything 

Before I felt 

Before we even said hi

We said goodbye

All of a sudden everything tasted weird

Weirder than usual and I didn’t hear

That the music had died and the people had left 

Time to go to bed

Time to dream

And I will disappear 

I’ll disappear 

Into radio shadow

Radio shadow

I will disappear

I’ll disappear 

Into radio shadow

Radio shadow

I go where the wind blows

I follow you

When the dinner is ready I go downstairs

Routines, routines, it’s good for me

I don’t always like it but sometimes it’s really something I need

And I disappeared 

I disappeared 

Into radio shadow

Radio shadow 

I will disappear 


Into radio shadow 

Radio shadow

In The Meantime

The clouds are moving, they’re moving fast

The bird tries to make the wind under the wings last

But what was really moving, the stars or the clouds

I looked in your eyes, tried to figure it out

The road was winding, hard to walk straight 

When the wind when the tried to push me away

Why would you call yourself a free man

Why would I call myself a free woman

You were talking, she was listening

Patiently she tried to hide her frustration

The sun passed out and into the clouds

Her self esteem fed up with the correction

In the meantime I washed your clothes

Hung them on a line, clean clothes

Moss on the wire, moss on the wire 

The wire’s getting old, nothing left to desire

In the meantime I grew along

In the meantime I did everything wrong

I spread my years like the moss is spreading

Gray spots with edges that are fading

In the meantime I hung your clothes on a line

Movements to the tick of the time

Cigarette Secrets 

Meet me halfway

Meet me before I stop

I saw you there in the distance 

I ran, you walked 

You smoke your cigarettes all the way down to your fingers

You don’t stop until you’re more than done

Shadows are moving across your face 

I don’t stop until I’m done

Cigarette secrets 

You owe me one

Cigarette secrets 

Kept in our lungs

Don’t know how many hours in total 

We’ve hung out at parking lots

Kill time and talk about nothing 

Before it’s time again to take off

Cigarettes are lit and secrets are told

In the glow and the smoke they unfold

During a couple of weeks we grow old 

We hum together to the same song

Cigarette secrets 

You owe me one

Cigarette secrets 

Kept in our lungs

You’re out on the road

You get back home

It shifts so fast 

Nothing lasts 

No I don’t need any help 

You try to fight your thoughts 

You fight yourself 

We share a cigarette and we share a secret

I’m glad we’re doing that every now and then

Now I don’t remember what the secrets were 

But that does not really matter in the end

Cigarette secrets 

You owe me one

Cigarette secrets 

Kept in our lungs

The Lament 2

The river runs like it runs for it’s life

My heart is beating like I’m in love

Under the surface the world looks different

The sand swirls like it swirls for it’s life

I took the bus to another station 

Jumped off somewhere in the wild

Everything’s easy if you got a lot of money

Everything’s easy if you’re born in the right zone

A filled paper but I only read the headlines

If you read one you’ve red them all

Everything is so predictable 

Escape, escape we’re all escaping from something 

Everyone knows how it feels to be railroaded 

Everyone knows how it feels to be railroaded 

Everyone knows how it feels to be railroaded 

If I judge myself I’m gonna judge you

One step to the right and I’ll fall

One step to the left and you’ll fall

Take one step forwards, take four steps back

Take one step back and you’ll get three steps ahead

I got all dizzy when I stared at my feet 

I thought they were moving but they weren’t at all

I think I’m going crazy 

I think I’m going crazy

The world is evil 

What is there to do 

Makes me sick, makes me wanna throw up

I don’t think there’s anywhere to run

Come with me

I know you wanna go home

Come with me

I know you wanna go home

Blame it On the Dreamer

So many times I’ve wondered,
about the purpose of dreams 

Ever since I dreamed for the first time,
I’ve been wondering about dreams

Under the eternal blue sky, we mingle with the fickle winds

Fight for the right to be, among the fickle winds 

Blame it on the dreamer

Blame it on me

Under the eternal blue sky

Blame it on me

I had been staring through the dirty
window for 7 hours straight

7 hours is a long time to stare when you’re
staring the wrong way

Abandoned in my own reflection,
what do you want me to see

Abandoned in your eyes when you look at me

Blame it on the dreamer 

Blame it on me

Under the eternal blue sky

Blame it on me

Sometimes at night when I’m dreaming 

Sometimes at night when I dream

Sometimes at night when I’m dreaming 

I dream about you

Blame it on the dreamer 

Blame it on me

Under the eternal blue sky

Blame it on me

Lay Down

I sat quite satisfied on a camping chair

Next to my red car on a cross road and there

I noticed silence, I noticed birds

Noticed feathers and tried to remember my birth

Soon the moon began to rise and it followed the sun

How much I would have wanted I could never follow that run

I wanna know you

I wanna see you

See the night come falling like a stone

I wanna know you 

I wanna see you 

Take me down the road of trust 

The dusk fell over me at the crack of dawn

A little wired though, oh sorrow come

Engines are howling as hours fly

I fall headlong beside as hours fly

 Where lampposts end my shadow melts away

Just like cars melt together down on the highway

The water is raging and the water gets skimmed

I try to see the rage but the air is too dim 

The sky is red and 1,5 miles away

Engines are howling on the european highway

Engines are howling as hours fly

I fall headlong beside as hours fly 

On the highway, on the highway

Engines are howling on the european highway

Instead of walking that lonesome street

Come back here and lay down beside me

Lay down beside me

Lay down beside me 

Lay down beside me

I’ll Be Your Harbor

Five feet down

Below me

Under the surface 

You call for me 

And I call for you

I’ll be your

I’ll be your

I’ll be your harbor

I’ll be your harbor 

If you do me right

Did you see the 

Did you see

Did  you see the sun

The way it looked 

Felt like a dream

I drove through 

The dream 

And I felt dying

Until I came out on the other side

A thought flew by

So fast that I couldn’t catch it

The thought had wings

Carried by the wind

I’ll be your 

I’ll be your

I’ll be your friend

Let’s do what 

Friends do

I’ll be there

I’ll be your harbor

I’ll be your harbor

I’ll be your harbor

I don’t know what

I’m dreaming of 

But what difference does it make

If I dream or don’t dream about the sun

If I dream or don’t dream about you

Faltering Feet

What good will it do to think about all we’re doing wrong

Doing wrong doing wrong what is right and what is wrong

What good will it do to please everyone else 

But yourself and yourself just please everyone else

If you take your time I’ll try to take mine too

And hold it tight what else is there to do

If I take my time you have to take yours too

And I guess we’re leaving now what else is there to do

Wages day turns to Friday night  

May not get back, back in time

Drunk and walking on faltering feet

Stagger home stagger home on faltering feet 

If you take your time I’ll try to take mine too

And hold it tight what else is there to do

If I take my time you have to take yours too

And I guess we’re leaving now what else is there to do

I don’t like hot summer days wrestling with the sun

Sun with the sun think we’re having fun

So we headed for the cold for the winter and the snow

Snow to the snow that’s where I wanna go

If you take your time I’ll try to take mine too

And hold it tight what else is there to do

If I take my time you have to take yours too

And I guess we’re leaving now what else is there to do

The Lament

Cleaning the floor from layers of dust 

Sad and sick of the distrust

Society is changing before our eyes 

Fascists and racists in disguise 

Never be sure that what was and what is 

Will last if you don’t fight to keep it 

In the souls of women 

Hear the lament 

The moon looks so different now 

There must be two of them 

The moon looks so different now

Why can’t you tell me something I can understand 

Sing the lament now

Fragile systems in a modern world 

A sigh from the wind a worried flap from a bird

What comes with the modern man

What lies in a rulers hand

We can’t let anyone steal our dreams

Steal our tomorrows our schemes

In the souls of men

Hear the lament 

The moon looks so different now 

There must be two of them 

The moon looks so different now

Why can’t you tell me something I can understand 

Sing the lament now

Face the sunrise and life of today

I’m standing there with nothing to say

But my conscience is always awake 

It’s not about wanting, it’s what you make

In the souls of children 

Hear the lament

Här står vi obeväpnade

Här står vi obeväpnade 

Vi står på samhällets kant

Och vi sjunger tillsammans 

And here we stand, unarmed 

And here we stand unarmed 

Here we stand on the society’s pavement 

Singing along to the lament

Sing the lament now

White smoke and pines

1. What is life
2. Four times
3. Swedish inland
4. Headlights
5. Yours and mine
6. Hollow
7. Thunder man
8. Maze of shadows
9. Vägen är lång (The road is long)
10. White smoke and pines

What Is Life

Think I’m gonna go down and get the car keys

Think I’m gonna go downstairs and maybe get the car keys

Think I’m gonna find some solace in streets 

Think I’m gonna go down now and get my car keys 

To lock myself in or lock myself out 

I don’t know which way to turn

What is life  

365 days and here I am again 

Here I am again breaking the childhood’s chains

But I’ll leave the door open if you feel like coming back 

Yes I’ll leave the door slightly open if you feel like coming back

Open or closed loved or not 

I don’t know which way to run

What is life

The swallows almost hit me in their fast and hastily flight 

I don’t know if anyone would miss me if I hid myself for a while

The island leaves me wondering about everything I know

The trails and roots and cold winds and everything I know

I follow myself running the route I sometimes run 

Where I always find myself thinking about everything I haven’t done

What is true love

Is there any true love 

What is true love

Four Times

Lack of rational thinking

Rational existence

Lets keep it sane

I’m open to whatever

Never say never

Plans might not turn out the way they were planned

Changed plans 

Knowing what you know 

I know what I know 

I try to seize the day

But knowing all that 

I seize nothing else but my plans

We live in our plans

Can’t you hear I’m a little out of tune

Can someone please tune me back

For the fourth time I let you down

Four times I’ve let you down 

For the fourth time I let you down

So many times I’ve let you down 

I let you down

Memories, what are memories

How do I know what’s real and what’s not

At least I believe

That my memories are real

And don’t know what I feel 

If my feelings are real 

What do I feel

Can’t you hear I’m a little out of tune

Can someone please tune me back 

For the fourth time I let you down

Four times I’ve let you down

For the fourth time I let you down

So many times I’ve let you down

I let you down

Swedish Inland

If truth was a brake the train wouldn’t have gone

Wouldn’t have started, would never move on 

Truth isn’t a brake so when the clock struck half past five

We rolled along the iron line lost in mind

Lost in the land I know I know 

Iron lines and up we go

How can I roll

The sky was so dark and the sun did shine so bright 

The forest were so green like we already were in July

In my mind I saw myself with my head stuck in sand 

While the train took me deeper into the Swedish inland 

Passengers thinned out the further up we got

Forest thickened the further up we got

How can I roll  

How can I roll

A woman jumped off somewhere in the Swedish inland

She walked down the platform and she was met by her man

He threw his arms around her and grabbed her hand 

They walked down the platform somewhere in the Swedish inland

What is there to do I don’t think I will fit

To be unalterable when the seasons shift

How can I roll

How can I roll

Solitary farms and roads full of holes

Do not fear loneliness myself I have told

Solitary eyes of a person misunderstood

An extinct dove bird in a land of love 

What is there to do I don’t think I will fit

To be unalterable when seasons shift   

How can I roll

How can I roll


Wake up in the morning 

Fall asleep in the night

Fall asleep in the morning 

Wake up in the night

Fill up the car with gasoline

For a while I’m free

Headlights headlights

Don’t be so hard on me

Desire is longing 

Longing is crap

Truth lies upon me

Drive me back 

Do not forget to keep your eyes 

Fixed on the road

Burning rubber now, my restless soul 

Got there a little too early 

Didn’t really know when to come

Looking all around for me

Even though I don’t like a hunt


Watering the flowers 

So they don’t have to die

Say something I can agree with 

So I don’t have to lie

Wake up in the morning fall asleep in the night 

Fall asleep in the morning wake up in the night 

Red lights red lights

In my headlights headlights

Truth in disguise 

In your deep honest eyes

Yours and Mine

I accept it in silence, words don’t always have to be

I accept it in silence when you talk to me

I love you in the night, would you love me at dawn

While I study every line existing in my palm

I travel many roads but one road is not like the other 

My thoughts begin to rush but why do I even bother

Of all things I see there are only a few things that stay 

A bunch of roadkills and I lost my way

In the shades of profit I lost my mind

In the waves of loss I would go down

Believe me now because I hardly ever lie

Don’t let me drown in my pathetic cries 

I am a lover of roads I will never stop

I’ll never forget when we were pulled over by the cops

I laugh more than I talk and we drank a lot of beer

Went many miles and eagles soared in the air

Where is yesterday now, it used to be here

When the sun poured down through the thick southern air

When the days were long and would never leave

When night didn’t exist and I didn’t have to care about me

You said,I always think you wear my jacket but I know it’s not mine

But it’s same green color and same cool style

What’s yours and what’s mine let’s leave it unsigned

With you I would like to share this beer can of mine


Hollow is empty, hollow is a hole,
hollow I feel when I feel alone

I walked over thin ice on the lake below,
it was thin but thick enough to hold

The wind was blowing and it grabbed my hair,
pushed me further out, is this fair

Come hang with me whenever,
on the playground of the devil

Everything is tomorrow

Everything is then 

The stars twinkle in a deep void

The stars don’t pretend 

Why do I feel so hollow now

Told to be here told to go there,
shouldn’t seem to mind but I sure do care

Told to do this and told to do that,
being pushed around and get a punch in the back

Freedom for me is to feel free, the stars above,
ground underneath 

Drop my phone, drop my hat, running away, running back

Everything is tomorrow

Everything is then 

The stars twinkle in a deep void

The stars don’t pretend

Why do I feel so hollow now

Some traces must never be traced,
some fears must never be faced

Face me now when I’ve come,
lack of sleep makes me dumb

Do what you gotta do but do what you want,
make an effort and get what you want

Talk to me whenever,
meet me on the playground of the devil

Everything is tomorrow

Everything is then 

The stars twinkle in a deep void

I think I understand

Why do I feel so hollow now

Someone tells you to do what you think you are feeling, to follow the one you are fooled to believe in

Promote well and advertise, on my terms I can compromise

Freedom for me is to feel free,
underneath the stars I wanna sleep

Wake me up when the stars fall,
I hear my song as a hollow call

Thunder Man

I wrote with my finger across the sky

I wrote heaven see me now

I measured the distance between me and the stars

I counted the seconds between the pounds of my heart

I saw something take shape in the dark everlastingness

Or is it my head that makes a call of distress 

Maybe I should go some place where sky meets sea

Somewhere between sky and sea

Thunder man 

Take me down from the wall of confusion I’m nailed to

The whispering ghost of my mind is arriving soon

To the shaking of my nerves I’m not letting myself through 

Tonight, let me be the pursuer of the moon

Thunder man

I hope it will come, hope it will come soon 

Covered in dark skies everything feels untrue

I think I know but I leave it untold

To the ghost in my head I am sold

Do you really know what happens when you’re out selling your soul

Do you really know what happens when you’re out selling your soul

Descend from the mountain thunder man 

Descend from there and be my man

Could you come down here and help me understand 

What is feeding my panic

Thunder man

Maze Of Shadows

Lower your eyelids as if you were sleeping

But don’t fall asleep don’t start weeping 

I hate, I hate to see you cry

You can’t be wrong but you can change your mind

Non rhyming words but you make them rhyme

So you say, you know you’ll stay 

In the maze of shadows you belong to me

Loose or gain too much weight 

Keep your conscience clear don’t loose your faith

Oh well, what if you don’t believe 

What made you become like this

What goes on in your head why are you like this

Oh well, how could you know

In the maze of shadows you belong to me

You got this shadow hanging around

Fastened in the waves of your sound

Like a ghost

This shadow kind of looks like thee

A representation of what you could be 

If you gave up

Remorse is not a beautiful thing

In the maze of shadows you belong to me

In the maze of shadows we veer apart

I’ll be your shadow if you’ll be my shadow

Non rhyming words but I make them rhyme

I’ll be your shadow if you’ll be mine

In the maze of shadows 

Vägen är lång (The Road Is Long)

Will I come or will I stay, I guess time will show

Sometimes I lose my temper but I never lose my soul

For a longer time now than ever before

I have been away from my safety zone

My beloved friend you’re so dear to me

High up on the hill where the air is cold and free

Something has changed but I can’t put a finger on what

So different but still so unchanged

One thing can be that all my friends have moved

To other places, other towns while I’m still in my room 

Every single one of them packed their things and disappeared 

While I sat out on the porch and wished they wouldn’t leave me here 

But I figured this is the way it is supposed to be 

The road is long and things are washing over me

Time passes so quick, do I really want all this now

The weather is changing just like you and I


The road is long 

Vägen är lång

I remember when you lived on Taps Alley number 12

How we walked up the stone stairs in the stairwell

We hadn’t seen each other in a pretty long time

And I felt that the older we get the less often we’ll come around

One year has passed and I have the things I do 

Lose my will in my texts and lose my will in the truth

I’ve been out on the roads in a big white van

I’ve been blowing things up with a rock’n’roll band

The road is long

Vägen är lång

I remember when we stood outside entrance number 12

And one of the apartments in staircase 12

Had one window open where music poured out

I started laughing and you asked me what I laughed about 

I think a year has passed and I’ve devoted my life to the road

I have learned to know new faces, new jokes and talks 

In and out, back and forth, a bit rock‘n’roll

Confuses my already confused head and I feel so young and so old

The road is long

Vägen är lång

Vägen är lång och jag bara åker med

Det går så fort hit och dit och jag försöker hinna med

Att förstå vad jag gör men det är inte alltid så lätt

På samma gång är jag glad, ledsen, hungrig och mätt

Vägen är lång genom allt och ingenting

Men jag har alltid gillat vägen och att bara åka omkring

Allt ser likadant ut samtidigt som allt är nytt

Fjäll, skog och vatten, en fågel på flykt 

The road is long

Vägen är lång 

Life is a funny thing isn’t it

It is what it is and we only have this

I think I might be bound to a life on the road

That’s what you said, long is the road

The road is long

Vägen är lång

White Smoke and Pines

It’s a hard found spot 

Where we used to hang out 

Sometimes when the weather allowed 

Patient wilderness by night 

Crowded sky 

White smoke and pines 

Save some for me

So sweet it makes my eyes bleed  


I know I go on 

I go on about time

That time’s too small

It rests with me to decide 


Stones do not grow old

And eternity is not for me

We fall asleep

And we wake up free

Forwards & Backwards 

Sun, won’t you stay up a little longer

Just a few minutes longer 

It is so dark 

I’m going backwards

The days are so short now

It feels like they do not exist 

Darkness is a fact

When you go forwards I go backwards

When you go backwards I go forwards

Plunge the mind into darkness

Fall into it with me, you are like the sound I love

The sun is sinking low

The sky is on fire and you are like the rising sun

When you go forwards I go backwards

When you go backwards I go forwards

The trees they all look so naked now

They look just as naked as I feel 

Like I have dropped my leaves

I walked down to the outlet of the river

I felt exposed to the river’s sound, I love

When you go forwards I go backwards

When you go backwards I go forwards

I walked down to the outlet of the river 

You should have walked down there with me

You are like the sound I love

The sun was sinking low

The sky was on fire 

You were like the rising sun

When you go forwards I go backwards 

When you go backwards I go forwards

I looked at the sun sinking

I heard the river singing 

When you go forwards I go backwards

When you go backwards I go forwards


1. Headlights
2. Forwards & backwards
3. Evil ones
4. Suzanne
5. Headlights - Radio edit

Black raven

1. Black raven
2. Come on
3. From one side to another
4. Worthy of love
5. Leave me under
6. Some time ago
7. Blind
8. Whisper to the water
9. Spit them out
10. Evil ones

Black Raven

Agony is creeping under my skin

Can’t remember that I ever did let it in

Multiplies itself under my skin

Don’t know which door stood open,
where it could get in

Under my skin

Where did it get in

In a dream I was called the Black Raven Fighter

Moved like voices move through telephone wires 

A telephone line and someone to talk to

I let my whole brain come falling on you 

A wire and you

Someone to talk to

A wire and you 

And someone to talk to

In a dream I was called the Black Raven Rider

Moved like voices move through telephone wires

A telephone line and someone to talk to

I let my whole brain come falling on you 

A black Raven in a spiral flight

I became wind born life

As the dream showed me heaven above 

As the dream showed me heaven above 

The dream showed me heaven above

Come On

Here, come on, let me help you up
you’re stuck too deep 

entangled in your sheets

When hard times come you slee
both day and night 

Sleep like a baby when it doesn’t feel alright

Here, come on, let me dry your tears 

Keep your spirit up and drown your fears 

That cling tight inside your head, inside your head 

Don’t really know what’s happening
outside your head 

Inside and out

What to be so worried about 

June is approaching, hits like a strike

Day, no night cause there’s too much light

There’s no time to sleep and no time to weep

Just entangle yourself out of your sheets

Can’t sleep fact away, can’t stash that away

Follow me down into the cold dark grave

It’s a dream and it’s a reality 

That is crawling away silently

What is yet to come

Hard times are yet to come

The bright black light has burned out 

And the dream made of wicks has burned out

And the streets have become too long

But if we sweep them fast they won’t be long

Here, come on, let me help you up you fell so hard

You fell apart

When the blaze of your visions flared up

And the voice of the dream burst out 

Here, come on, let me help you girl 

To make your road more straight and firm

No road shall wind and I’ll make up my mind 

Wind no more

From One Side To Another

We try to forget things but things stick around

Try to wipe things away when we cannot expound  

Can’t remove things that lies at the far edge

Just like windshield wipers can’t reach rain at the far edge

From one side to another can’t get further than that 

Once you’re placed in the middle you don’t go further than that 

You walk slowly but you don’t walk back 

On a dirt road, follow the flood and you don’t look back

In opposite directions road and river turns

And you stand between them wondering with whom you gonna turn

Could I be the black crow circling above them both 

Don’t ever have to choose, can follow both

You turned with the flood, you followed it through the night 

Until the flood ran out in the lake and you said goodbye

Midnight sun hangs across the lake and your eyes

A reflection in the water a reflection in your eye

Could I be the line between road, river, lake and sky

The line between hunger, fullness,  laugh and a cry

See me as I am and don’t see me as you are 

See me as I am and don’t see me as you are

One eye is absent and the other is veiled 

So hard to see when the left eye is veiled

We try to forget things but things stick around

Try to wipe things away when we cannot expound

From one side to another can’t get further than that 

Once you’re placed in the middle you don’t go further than that

Worthy of Love

She said he sat there whistling along

He sat there whistling along 

Whistling along

He had rags wrapped around the
wheels of his bike 

The wheels had no tires and he was
riding around in the night

Mid-July, and he was wearing a warm winter coat 

A tramp, gather his whole life in the
pockets of his coat 

With weary legs beneath the stars

Weary hands on worn handlebars 

Worn wheels but condemned to roll

Roving man with a roving soul 

He sat there whistling along

He sat there whistling along

He had laid down on the asphalt to rest at the height of noon

Right next to the fan, I guess he liked to feel the smell of food 

Stepping on the peddles and whistling along 

A tape recorder playing old songs

Bare feet and twigs in his hair

Stepping on the peddles to get anywhere

Barefoot and tangled hair 

With bare feet and messy hair 

He rides along the beaten track

the beaten track

the beaten track

With a worn vehicle and a weary back

He rides along the beaten track 

I ask myself am I worthy of love 

While I’m riding along the beaten track

The beaten track

Am I worthy of love

Worthy of love

Leave Me Under

There is no wind now, it was a long time since

It was a long time since I wasn’t concerned
about a thing 

A long time since I didn’t care

A long time since I could bear 

Bear all I wanted in mind

Yet there’s a short time since life felt long

A short time until present and future will be bygone

And when I shake my head to make it work 

When I gasp for breath until my lungs hurt 

I stir to the rhythm of the drum of life

Drag me up instead of leaving me under 

Venture out in the morning, in the morning around I roam

Gasping for breath in the clear morning light foam

I ask for nothing but I want everything 

Try to make them merge together, nothing and everything

There’s a short short time since life felt long

Time ceases here and time has no place to be ticking on 

Time is heavy and weighing on my chest

It doesn’t feel tempting at all to fall into a timeless rest

Drag me up instead of leaving me under

It doesn’t feel tempting, doesn’t feel tempting at all to fall and trying to impress and to fall into a timeless rest 

When time goes I intend to follow

When time goes I go 

Lift me up instead of leaving me under

Some Time Ago

Early in the morning, the coffee is so cold 

The bed you just left was colder than cold

Again it’s so hard to look on the bright side of life

Panic is there and you get sick in your throat 

The warm arms wrapped around you
can’t make you float 

There’s not room for everyone in the
face of a smiling clown

Pills are small and whine is red 

I know you know but life’s too short to be
frittered away

So goddamn down that you just want to die

Grandpa answer me I asked you something

But yeah right I forgot you can’t hear anything 

You had no choice but to seek for a silent
place to be

Your hair is grey and your fingers should be yellow 

Your eyes are blank and you look out through
the window

Where did the bright side of life go

So goddamn down that you just want to die

You sit out on the porch hanging out with
the setting sun

Wearing your double breasted grey cardigan

It’s okay out here nothing blocks your vision 

Too many glasses of whiskey on a tuesday night

Makes your mood a little lighter but you
can’t stand upright 

And you sing a bit on your favorite song

You’re so goddamn down that you just want to die

Your girlfriend is nice but more depressed
than you

She has seen the floor of the bottom
several times too

Hard to see a meaning in anything

But life’s little easier to live when you watch
your daughter’s dog

The one you used to have got hit by a car in the dense fog

It was cute, I remember that dog.
I remember him well

You have smoked thousands of cigarettes
since you promised me

That you had smoked the last one. But I never took that promise seriously 

Same box of whine where is the sense of time

Same Marlboro, same jeans, same lines

Wouldn’t be better with an infinite number
of dimes

What is mind can’t remember my lines

So goddamn down that you just want to cry

Some time ago when my drivers license was brand new

I drove to your place because I wanted to show you

And I brought the chocolate cake I know you like the most

It was a nice visit but on my way home

I couldn’t stop the tears from running down my cheekbone 

Do you remember all the time I spent with you as a kid

Splash around in the water take a walk and
you held my hand

We went fishing it was you and me in a wasteland

You made a gun for my brother and a bow
and arrows for me

A bow and arrow your backyard and a world 

I ran around there and felt like an indian girl 

Shot the arrows around me and my brother he ran 

And shot back at me with the wooden gun in his hand

And I’m so goddamn happy I can’t do nothing but smile

And I’m so goddamn sad I just want to cry


Don’t be so eager now

Don’t let curiosity make you blind

All them words you speak are whirring sounds

Don’t let love make you blind

Don’t make that sad face now

Don’t let sorrow make you blind

All them words you say are painful sounds

Don’t let anyone let you down

I cannot see where I am walking tonight 

Grope my way, stumble in the dark light

I cannot see where I am putting my feet 

So I fall on my knees

I can’t discern anything from nothing no

Nothing can be discerned in october night’s glow

What if boundless love was all we could feel

What if boundless love was all I could feel

I cannot see where I am walking tonight 

Grope my way, stumble in the dark light

I cannot see where I am putting my feet 

So I fall on my knees

It is way too tiring now

Don’t let exhaustion make you blind

All I can think of are whirring words

I don’t let life let me down

I could not see where I was walking that night

Groped my way, stumbled in the dark night

I could not see where I was putting my feet so I fell on my knees

The trees stood like black big figures in the night

Laughing at me falling in the dark light 

Abandoned face abandoned grace I fall

Whisper To the Water

Eight in the morning on my way to work I was walking in a perfect pace

I felt the air awakening on me and there was nothing I didn’t want to embrace 

A star fell in a fine curved line like a flying bird across the sky

And I was just someone gaping at the big white morning sky

Down that road, crooked road that hadn’t been cleared from snow

I thought about so many things that in the end I didn’t know which way to go

But a little further down I saw the road bend in a fine white line

And I sort of remembered, that’s the way, the way of my bended mind

Eyes of you, eyes of me and ice on the road, under shoes

They lost their grip, soles did slide and I lost my grip on you 

All alone on the forest road, trapped under wings of despair

Oh bewilderment, what is this I’m doing, pretending I don’t care

All alone on the forest road trapped under wings of despair 

Oh bewilderment, what is this I’m doing, pretending I don’t care 

And I whisper to the water that I want you to hold my hand 

And I whisper to the water that I am beginning to understand

Spit Them Out

I take my jacket off, it’s getting warmer outside

I try to distract my thoughts and I try to set them aside

Somewhere else a poet saint his mumbling song sings

And above his head prayers flags flutter in the wind

He sings oh if only time could be here and close about me

When no one seems to hear my prayers come here and close about me

He was stranded by a storm for six months in the great Cave

Of Conquering Demons where he had gone to meditate 

Meditate in solitude until the storm had died down 

But time caught up with him and soon made him one with the ground 

Oh I wish time could be here and close about me

When no one seems to know me right come here and close about me

I took a pine branch from the woodpile and I held it hard hard in my hand

Just to hold on to something when the rest of me won’t stand

With little gain in altitude I’ll soon be on the upper land 

Hold the fluttering prayers flags hard in my hand  

Oh when nothing seems to do me right I’m getting all worn out

I want to throw my thoughts away, I try to spit them out

Evil Ones

I like to sing about birds, I like to sing about the trees

I like to sit over here and watch the falling leaves  

I like you

Why not stop the machines and the marching guns          

Why not capture all the evil ones

No more guns


A fish is swimming with my guitar

I like to sit over here and know how far

I can see    

Two fish are swimming with my guitar

I like to sit over here and know just how far

I can see

Why not make them all crawl on their knees

Why not cut off all the roads to the top of the trees

Because we cannot agree

I like the sun shining on growing things

Someone passed by and left me footprints

On the ground 

Why not make them all crawl on their knees

Why not make them all watch the falling leaves    

I am the top of the trees

Why not make them all crawl on their knees

Why not make them all watch the falling leaves

I am the top of the trees

Lying down, I’m gonna get up on my knees

I’m gonna stand there and watch the growing leaves